
Don’t Lose Your French: Easy Ways to Keep Your Child’s French over the Summer

Two children learn French together while blowing bubbles

Don’t Lose Your French: Easy Ways to Keep Your Child’s French Skills Sharp Over the Summer Summer is a time for children to explore, play, and enjoy beautiful weather, but it’s also crucial to prevent their French skills from taking a vacation too!  Research shows that students can lose up to 40% of what they […]

French immersion for neurodivergent children

Autism Spectrum Communication board in French and English

Tips for Teaching French to Neurodivergent Children Over the years, there have been several parents of neurodivergent children who have come to 123 Petits Pas looking for support and advice regarding their child’s French learning. It has come to my attention that resources and support can be hard to come by on this topic and […]

Best French Gifts for Kids

Best French Gifts for Kids

Best Gifts for Kids : A French Gift Guide Whether it be the holiday season, or a birthday, gifts are a great way to allow family & friends to contribute to your child’s French learning. I’ve compiled a French gift guide of my top recommendations for best French gifts for kids.   In this French gift […]

Introducing French to your 4-6 yr olds 

Daughter looking ahead on Fathers Shoulders, playing eye spy in French

Introducing French to your 4-6 yr olds  Bonjour! We have made this guide in the hopes that it helps you and your 4-6 year olds practice your French together. See below for tips, tricks, activities, programs and more!  Books Books are a great way to practice your French. We list many book recommendations for all […]

Introducing French to your Preschooler

Preschooler drawing a photo

We’ve written this guide to help you with introducing  French to your preschooler. In this guide, you will find fun activities, cheat sheets, information about our classes and so much more. We hope this will help you on your French language learning journey!    Use French during daily routines  If you are not familiar with […]

Introducing French to your Toddlers

Mom reading to her toddler in the library

Introducing French to your Toddler Introducing French to your toddler should be easy and fun! That’s why we’ve created this guide of tips, tricks, cheat sheets, activities and more to help you get your toddler started on their French language learning journey.  Start with some vocabulary We have created many cheat sheets with common words […]

Tips for Early French Readers

Mother (Madame Amy) and her two young children are reading a book together

Tips for early French readers Reading is something that does not come naturally, and so as parents and educators, we can do a lot to help our children learn to read! This blog post will give you a few tips on how, but be sure to listen to Madame Amy’s podcast on the subject where she dives deeper and gives […]

How to Introduce French to your Baby 

Dad and baby In French class smiling and enjoying learning French together

How to Introduce French to your Baby Are you wanting to raise a bilingual baby but feeling unsure of how to get started? We’ve got you covered! Read below for recommendations and suggestions on how to introduce French to your baby (even if you don’t know any French yourself!)  Start Simple You can start introducing […]

Including a parent who doesn’t speak French

Family together

Including a parent or caregiver who doesn’t speak French can be difficult. But, guess what? You don’t need to know the language prior to joining your child’s learning journey. Yes, it can be hard to learn a second language as an adult as a lot of factors come into play… mainly time issues and the […]

French Learning Road Trip Activities

Road trips are an awesome adventure to take together as a family, but sometimes they can be long. If you have children in the car asking, “are we there yet?” here are some fun French learning road trip activities to ensure that everyone has a good time together along the way. These games and activities […]